Update: Jean Kenney Interview

I'm taking a break in updating the different children entries to give some information regarding a meeting I had with Jean Kenney mentioned in the last entry.  It was unsure how Jean was related and that was clarified.  As mentioned earlier, Jeanette Ferguson was married at least 3 times and I have speculated that she was married a fourth time because of an entry I found in the marriage index of a Janet Ferguson, but I have to investigate this further another time.

To review Janette was married first to Martin Murray and had no children, then to Herbert Le Pla.  It was also Herbert's second marriage.  They had Isabelle, Herbert Jr. and Florence.  Later, Jeanette suppossedly married Sanford McNabb.  However, no marriage license was found and Jean herself said she wasn't sure they were ever married.  Jean said she was the daughter of Sanford McNabb and a woman in Ottawa she never met or had anything to do with.  Jeanette and Florence essentially raised her.  The children of Jeanette and Sanford were: Harry, Edwin, Hazel, Glen and Dorothy.  When mentioning these people she would often say: I would consider them a brother/sister, but I have no idea who their parents are.  She stated her brother Edwin was still alive in Morris, yet he was a year younger than her and Jeanette would have been in her late 50's at the time.

On to the pictures that Jean had at her house!
This was a very large picture (didn't get all of it because it was very long).  But it is believed to be Sanford McNabb.  He was a stock dealer and traveled a lot, not sure who the woman in the picture is.

This is a picture of Jeanette McNabb.  At the end of her life she had no one to care for her.  When Jean and John got married they took Jeanette in to their home until the end of her life in 1946.

Hazel McNabb: Jeannette and Sanford's daughter

Herbert Le Pla (I assume Jr.)

Glenn McNabb.  Remarkably, we have this photo in an old album with pictures that we had no idea who the people in the photos were!  Sadly, this was the only photo she could identify.

Hazel McNabb holding Jean.

Florence worked in glass cutting factory in Morris.  Jean inherited her collection, shown here!

These are photos of a carving set that Herbert Le Pla sent to his mother (Jeanette McNabb) during WWI from Paris, France!  You can see they are engraved McNabb above.

Funny point in the interview.  Jean asked if I wanted to know something really bad about Aunt Lizzie.  I said Okay....and she said she remembers going there as a little girl and there were cockroaches in her house!


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